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der Schmuck Salon

Jewellery Design / Goldsmithing Departement
Sinth Lucas Antwerp - Karel de Grote-Hogeschool

 21.01 - 01.03.2011

Eröffnung am Donnerstag, dem 20. Jänner 2011, um 18:00 Uhr.
Um elegante Kleidung wird gebeten.


Der Schmuck Salon presents a selection of student work from the Jewellery Design / Goldmithing Departement - Sint Lucas Antwerp, Belgium.

Curator: Hilde de Decker

Artists: Shana Teugels, Laurien Cauwenberg, Lynn Meert, Valerie Tjantele, Rrobert Van Heek, Clarisse Bruynbroeck, Eline Willemarck, Jelka Quinterlier, Octave Vandeweghe, Cleo Loos.

Der Schmuck Salon revals an atmosphere of atopia: a feeling that things are out of place, in unusual combinations. The domestic elements and jewellery pieces seem to be traces of a world thet never existed and never will, but one that still appears to be recognisable. The materials and forms act as familiar, but at the same time they suprise us and fill the spectator with wonder. The mirrors, tables, cupboards and charis, as well the jewellery, are apparent elements of reality referring to a non-reality. One might compare the domestic traces and jewellery with the building blocks of a still life : objects that are carefully arranged as an artisctic stage shifting away from real live.