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Jannis Varelas

Salted milk, the fire is Blue

Galerie Krinzinger
 08.09. - 29.10.2022

Eröffnung: 7. September 2022, 19:00 Uhr
zur Eröffnung spricht Angela Stief, Direktorin, Albertina Modern

Photography by Katerina Komianou, copyright Jannis Varelas

Salted milk, the fire is Blue is an exhibition dealing with the process of understanding oneself and the world around them, by observing and recreating some of the basic cognitive activities of life. Seeing, hearing, eating, leaking, standing, moving.
Activities that no one has escaped from even during the very early stages of their existence and everybody suffers from their great impact on the subconscious. Salted milk, the fire is Blue is an exhibition about the things that happened already and the things that will happen again.